Monday, January 31, 2011

Winter Hats

 We have been having beautiful, crystal clear warm weather here in Southern California (79 degrees) Well, all of a sudden on Sunday afternoon ; it rained and it poured sheets of rain. I decided to stay in-doors and crochet. I went through my scrap-yarn box. I found a beautiful deep blue chenille ball of yarn but there wasn't enough yarn to make both a scarf and a hat, so I used some regular 4-ply blue yarn to make the hat. I made a big flower and I sewed a large fake pearl bobble in the middle of it. The weather report is high winds for tomorrow, so I am ready! I also finished a red hat that I had been working on. I guess the cost of the two hats and the scarf would be under $10.00. Without the costly chenille, the price would be about $7.00. The time was about 6 hours. There is no pattern, I just made it up. If you are interested,
I can remember. Just ask! I feel accomplished for using my scrap yarn!

This is a red kind of wild hat, and I love it! The picture doesn't do it justice. I mixed two different types of yarn; Red Heart and Vibrant Red Chenille that looks like velvet. I had a small ball of fake red fur, so I out-lined the hat with that.


  1. I love the blue hat! It's super cute! I may need to make a bunch of hats from dipping into the buckets overflowing with yarn in my house...LOL After I finish the 2 scarves I'm currently knitting, that is...LOL

  2. smiley-netta,
    Aren't we blessed to have over flowing supplies?
    Love to see those scarves!
    Thanks commenting :) Robin
