Thursday, March 10, 2011


I looked at my calendar and noticed that it is Ash Wednesday: "Dies Cinerum" Welcome penitential season of Lent.
 Oh the memories I have of the first twenty eight years of my life; of the things I gave up for lent.
I gave up: chocolate, dessert, television, going to the movies, dances, my allowance, cursing, wearing make-up, wearing nail polish, eating meat on Fridays and dating. I attended Mass every single day for 40 days and it was in Latin.
I remember a priest writing an ash cross onto my forehead with the prior year's palms that were burnt from Palm Sunday. I remember my mother insisting that we ate fish every Friday.
In the OLd Testament, Ashes symbolized humility/mortality. Granted, I learned discipline and fear.
Examples: Ezekial: to be spared from punishment
Numbers: to be made clean, and in Revelations and other books.
The books of Matthew and Luke speak of repenting etc...
I was asked several times today, "What are you giving up for Lent?"
My answer is, I will be adding to, not taking away.
I don't need to look repentive or sad or righteous like the Pharisees or like the girl in Literature who wore the scarlet letter for all to see her sin.
Jesus went off to the mountains to pray. He fasted, and He humbled Himself by dropping perfection down to a flesh level. All for us!!!!!
 JESUS states in Mark, 7:7: " They worship me in vain; their teachings are but rules taught by men. You have let go of the commands of God in order to observe your own traditions!"
1 Peter 1:3 : " Blessed be the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ! according to His great mercy He has
caused us to be BORN AGAIN to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ through the dead."
I often wonder if the  people who celebrate "FAT TUESDAY" ever wake up so drunk that they forget about having to hurry up and get their ashes before the sun sets on Wednesday?
Oh what a priceless gift we have in Jesus. I will not mourn the bridegroom while He is here with me; body mind and spirit. We are but filthy rags without the cross, but we are made whole and free and Christ-like when we receive that gift.
I choose the mark/ the branding of the BLOOD of Jesus to be written all over me spiritually. The hands of God cleansed me. I ask the Holy Spirit to guide me for the next 40 days, and then for eternity. I know who I am in Christ, and with Him all things are possible. He gives me the words, the inspiration, and the path to follow. My sins are all covered by Him. I will not repent for what he paid for.
I will revive, review, and regard God's greatness during this time, and always. I will be humble and most grateful to Him because of His greatness.
My "TRADITION" this Lent and every one to come shall be to aim to give: Love  Joy  Peace  Patience  Kindness  Goodness  Faithfulness  Gentleness  and  Self-control.


  1. Thank you for your poignant post. I have never really thought about it in that way. (But then, I also grew up going to a non-denominational church that leaned towards the evangelical area...)

  2. Thank you for reading my post smiley_netta.
    Have a beautiful day and weekend to come! :)
